Recommendations & Guidelines

Masking Indoors

We will require all people over the age of 2 to wear well-fitting masks when they are indoors for meetings or programming. We will have disposable medical masks of all sizes for adults and children. We support and welcome the use of masks during outdoor programming, as well.

We are encouraging masking for all regardless of vaccination status due to the increased contagiousness of the Delta variant.

Hand Hygiene

We have hand sanitizer available at all entrances to the church. Please sanitize your hands upon entering the building. Good hand hygiene is a good practice for reducing the spread of lots of infections, not just COVID-19!


We will gather for worship in large groups outside or through continuation of our virtual online service for now. We will work with the worship team and the town to plan large outdoor worship services for some Sundays. The frequency of these services will be determined.

In addition to large Sunday services outdoors, we will offer some smaller worship opportunities indoors. People will sign up in advance, wear masks and maintain distancing. As we move throughh the phases. We will provide a devitional worship services of up to 50 - 75 people for worship for a chance together. Our newly-installed ventilation system significantly improves air flow in our building, allowing us to more safely gather indoors.


Are protocols for congregational singing. Will be shared with recommendations and strategies as soon as we enter phase 3. A few things we do know:

  • Congregational Singing, as practiced, is to be minimized (few times and few versus with descreation)  and at medium volume
  • Worship prep team safest being masked. If 20' distance from others, then mask may be optional.
  • Continue limited time duration to reduce exposure

Small Groups

Small groups will be welcome to gather at the church starting after August 8th. Committees, teams, classes and groups will be welcome to gather in the church building, socially distanced and masked. Sign up for space by contacting the Church office and please ask if you have questions about the capacity limits currently in place for any spaces in the Church building.

Large Gatherings and Events

Victory Heights Church of Christ is not holding nor scheduling large indoor gatherings or events at this time.

Food and Beverage

Church events will not include shared food or beverages at this time. If you wish to bring your own beverage, that will be fine.

Sickness and COVID Exposure

Please use your best judgement and stay home if you or others in your household are sick. If you or any member of your household have been notified that you are a close contact of a known case, please participate virtually in church events until you have a negative test result and complete any required quarantine. If anyone in your household has a pending COVID test, for any reason other than pre-travel required testing, please join us virtually. COVID has reminded us how connected we are to one other.

Revised and sent out to the members on January 2, 2022