Re-Opening Phase Chart

As our nation begins to scale back the social distancing guidelines, we want to keep you in the loop about our plans to reopen.

Given the size of our gatherings, our reopening strategy will probably look a little different from other churches and local businesses. We’re taking special care to be as cautious as possible about gathering in-person. With that in mind, we’re rolling out a phased reopening plan based upon the White House guidelines. We have provided you with two charts below. You may review or download either chart for your understanding. 

Our plan right now is to slowly and intentionally move through the phases. 

  • Phase 1 started on May 1st and keeps groups at 10 or fewer people while we continue to practice strict social distancing.
  • Phase 2 will begin on May 22nd as long as things continue to progress well in our community. The biggest change you will notice in Phase 2 is the outdoor worship to start meeting together again in-person at a 25% capacity. Phase 2 will also include our offices opening with our staff working a staggered in-office schedule.
  • Phase 3 will tentatively begin on July 4th as long as things continue to improve. We will begin in-person worship and gatherings at our locations during this phase, but we our still encouraging people to be cautious and abide by the health and safety protocols set forth.
  • Phase 4 Will consist of 2 stages for our new norm. Which will help guide us during worship, small groups and events.

As much as we'd love to rush straight to Phase 4, where we gather again at our location, our health task force team will evaluate government guidelines and local health data on a weekly basis to ensure we reopen in a way that is safe for our church family. We don’t have a timeline for how long we will be in Phase 3, so stay tuned for updates and continue to gather with us weekly in-person or online for further updates.

Additional Resources

If you are medically vulnerable, if you have a compromised immune system, if you’re over 65, we strongly encourage you to follow the latest CDC guidelines and opt for gathering virtually with your Victory Heights Church of Christ groups instead of gathering with them in person. For those fully vaccinated, please take precautions in regards to your health to stay safe. 

If you’re sick, if you’re hurting, please contact the leadership team. We will be in touch with you by phone as soon as we are able. We have resources for you. We will pray for you. We have a care team alongside community leaders willing to help with groceries and to pick up prescriptions.

If you have prayer needs, please visit our Prayer Wall and post them. We take time to pray over these needs each and every week.