This is a lot, can you explain all this simply?

Because of the current state of the pandemic in the US and grounded in within our principles and Christian promise, the Church is re-opening with a COVID safety plan in place. We have decided to limit large gatherings to either outdoors or remote only to open the church in the ways described above.

Isn’t this why we put in the air handlers? I thought we addressed this?

Air handlers are one layer of COVID-19 mitigation and a key reason that we can offer indoor gatherings again. We are taking the “Swiss cheese” approach to COVID safety at VHCOC. While the air handlers are helpful, it’s safest for large groups to gather outdoors or remote given how contagious the Delta and Omicron variant is. The Health Task Force will reevaluate the safety of large group indoor events monthly and will advise when we can safely shift to larger indoor gatherings.

What are the thresholds for returning to large gatherings inside? What needs to change? What needs to happen?

This is an important question! The Health Task Force will meet to establish clear criteria, and share the criteria in the next month.

Can committees gather in members’ homes?

If everyone on the committee is comfortable with an indoor, in-person gathering, that’s fine. We ask that committees and other church groups prioritize inclusive gatherings where those least able to take risks are still comfortable. We will be providing training to committee leaders in Febuarary 2022 to ensure that all committees are adapting their programming and meetings to be COVID-safe and inclusive.

What is the CDC currently recommending regarding houses of worship opening for worship?

Current guidance is at CDC.gov but we are adapting to local transmission dynamics and our church principles according to Mass.gov house of worship guidelines.


Moving Forward Together

All of this provides the boundaries within which we will continue to create thriving, innovative and exciting programming, just as we have for the last year and a half.

So many wonderful, innovative programs were created in this first phase of the pandemic, and we will continue to meet this moment together.

We will explore ways to gather safely to worship, meet in small groups, and to come together in celebration outdoors in large groups.

As much as this is a complicated bunch of news, it does mark significant progress.

Together with our wonderful staff and amazing leadership we will make it through this, together.


So much love to you all,

The Health Task Force 

Johnny Thomas Jr - Health Coordinator
Gwendolyn Wright - Health Advisors
Iliana McKen - Health Advisors

Questions? Email the church office.